APS Student Handbook Links
- Hawthorne Mission and Vision Statement
- School Schedules
- Attendance
- Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, and Rollerblades
- Bullying
- Cafeteria Procedures
- Change in Student Information
- Classroom Observations
- Custody Issues
- Discipline and Student Behavior
- Family Concerns and Questions
- Field Trips
- Health Room Services and Medication
- Homework
- Junk Food
- Lost and Found
- Parent Staff Association (PSA)
- Redistribution Policy
- Safety
- Student Awards and Recognition
- Student Dress
- Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
- Student Performance and Evaluation
- Telephones and Cell Phones
- Toys
- Volunteers
- Weapons
- What You Can do to Help Prepare Your Child for School
Hawthorne Mission and Vision Statement
Hawthorne promotes a respectful learning environment that fosters the home/school partnership in a multicultural community.
Together we plan for our future.
Every child at Hawthorne will know and understand the answer to the question: “Why are we here today?”
At Hawthorne, we are here to learn and respect one another.
School Schedules
Instructional Day
Students are to be in their classroom by 8:38 am or they are tardy and need to go to the office for a Tardy Slip.
Children should not arrive earlier than 8:20 am or remain on the campus later than 4:00 pm unless they are registered and participating in the City Parks & Recreation Program, RGEC or Tutor Services.
Supervision IS NOT provided for students who arrive before 8:20 am or remain later than 4:00 pm. These procedures are designed for the safety and well-being of your children. Parents who consistently allow children on campus prior to 8:20 a.m. and/or consistently pick up their children late will be reported to the APS Police Department and Children, Youth, and Families Department.
All children are to go out and play at recess unless a disciplinary action is in effect.
If for any reason a child must remain inside due to a long-term health condition, we must have a note from your physician to that effect.
Please remember to dress your child(ren) appropriately for the weather. Please know that children will go outside during cold, snowy weather. Recess is an enjoyable time for students if they are dressed for the weather.
Inclement Weather Before School
If rain or snow creates inclement weather conditions, the students will report to the following locations:
- K–2: South Building
- 1–3: North Building
- 4–5: Gym
Abbreviated Day
An abbreviated day begins two hours later than the regular schedule but ends at the regular time:
- 1st bell: 10:40 am
- 2nd bell (classroom instruction): 10:45 am
- Dismissal: 4:10 p.m.
Cancellations & Schedule Changes
The decision to cancel school is made by APS.
Please listen to local radio stations and/or watch the television for announcements concerning changes to the school schedule.
At Hawthorne, we believe the best way students can learn is if they are in school. District policy and state law require daily school attendance for those between the ages of five and 18, or until graduation from high school. As a school, we are committed to having a 95 percent student attendance rate. To reach this goal, we ask for your support by bringing your child to school on time every day.
APS students are allowed no more than five (5) unexcused absences per semester and no more than ten (10) per year. If your child is going to be absent, please call the school (299-4424) so we can note the absence and mark it excused.
According to the APS Attendance Policy, absences may be excused for the following reasons, with appropriate documentation:
- Doctor’s appointment
- Death in the family
- Religious commitment
- Illness
- Family emergency
- Diagnostic testing
- School/college visit.
An unexcused absence is any absence that does not fit into the prescribed guidelines—is not school-related.
If your child is tardy (arriving to class after the 8:38 bell rings) you must bring them to the office to get a tardy slip. An unexcused tardy is any consistent behavior that causes a student to be late (i.e., not getting up on time, missing the bus, etc.). After ten (10) unexcused tardies, the school will notify the APS Court Liaison, who will notify the parents/guardians with a Notice of Preliminary Inquiry.
Early Dismissal
Leaving school for any amount of time prior to dismissal, 4:00 p.m. (if the amount of time exceeds two hours, then a 1⁄2 day PM absence has occurred). You are encouraged to plan appointments, when possible, outside the school day. Children may be released for appointments by following this procedure:
- Send a note to the teacher with your child in the morning.
- Come to the office to sign your child out. (A photo ID may be required.)
- The office will call classroom for your child to come to the office. Do not go directly to the classroom. Teachers have been instructed to release students to the office only.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, and Rollerblades
Students may ride bikes to school. However, those students who ride bikes to school must observe safety precautions. Bikes, scooters, and skateboards must be walked on and off the school grounds; this includes the sidewalk in front of the school. Any student who fails to follow this rule will not be allowed to bring a bike, skateboard or scooter to school. Bikes must be parked and locked in the bike racks located near the first-grade wing. Students must provide their own locks. Hawthorne Elementary School is not responsible for any stolen items.
Skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, and “Heelies” are not allowed at school. Please discourage students from bringing these items to our campus.
The Hawthorne staff, with the support of the Board of Education of the Albuquerque Public Schools, is committed to providing a safe, respectful and fear-free environment for all members of the school community including students, staff, parents, community partners, and visitors. Preventing bullying is important to having a safe, respectful, and fear-free climate that ensures that students learn, achieve high academic standards, and promote a positive educational environment. All participants in the Albuquerque Public School District's educational community should be aware of the Board's expectation of a safe, respectful and fear-free school and work environment, and should model this in their own behaviors. Bullying behavior is any verbal or non-verbal action that causes another person to feel unsafe, disrespected, or fearful.
Cafeteria Procedures
Hawthorne Elementary is 100% Free and Reduced Lunch. This means that all of our students are eligible to receive lunch at no cost. Breakfast will be served in the classrooms (after the bell rings) due to new state law.
The following behavior is expected of Hawthorne students, and misconduct in the cafeteria can lead to the loss of cafeteria and/or recess privileges:
The following behavior is expected of Hawthorne students (Misconduct in the cafeteria can lead to the loss of cafeteria and/or recess privileges):
- Students will remain seated until they are finished eating.
- Students will visit quietly when eating.
- Students will eat their own food and not share.
- Students are responsible for cleaning their own tablespace.
- Students will not carry food out of the cafeteria (only under teacher supervision).
- Students will not play with recess equipment (jump ropes, balls, Frisbees, etc.) in the cafeteria.
Students are not allowed to bring large bags of Hot Cheetos, Hot Fries, etc. to eat during lunch or recess.
Change in Student Information
Classroom Observations
At Hawthorne, we encourage parents and guardians to be active in your child’s education. You may wish to observe in your child’s classroom.
Parents must request an observation twenty-four (24) hours prior to the observation. The request needs to be made to the teacher. Teachers may waive the twenty-four (24) hour requirement at their discretion. Please remember that your role is to be only observational. If you have a certain academic area in which you want to observe, please inform the teacher when setting up the observation. Be sure you come to the office and sign in for a visitor pass. Our classrooms are learning environments and students’ needs take precedence. If you wish to discuss your observation with the teacher, this can be arranged for a later time by making an appointment. Our teachers will be happy to discuss and answer questions from the observation at that time. We expect all observers to respect the confidentiality that we guarantee our students, and we appreciate your cooperation. All parents will need to sign the Observation Confidentiality Form in the office before the observation takes place. The length of the observation may be no longer than 90 minutes. If you have questions, please contact the principal.
Custody Issues
Parents should keep the office and teacher only up-to-date regarding custody issues that pertain to relevant school communication and procedures. Parents/guardians must provide school personnel with the most recently dated court documents (with a valid seal) regarding custody issues. Hawthorne staff will remain neutral in domestic disputes.
Discipline and Student Behavior
Each staff member at Hawthorne Elementary School accepts responsibility for the maintenance of discipline and for the promotion of a program that develops positive relationships among our students. A student’s behavior should conform to acceptable standards of conduct as established by the principals and teachers.
The staff requests parental support in helping maintain appropriate conduct in the school. Children’s behavior should reflect self-respect and consideration for the rights, feelings, and property of others.
Classroom teachers are expected to maintain discipline in their own classrooms with a specific emphasis on promoting and recognizing positive behaviors among students. Inappropriate behavior that occurs in- or outside of the classroom (i.e., during recess), may result in a student receiving a Behavior Pink Slip. This slip is used to communicate discipline concerns among staff, administration, and parents.
When a student receives a pink slip, he/she is called to meet with the Principal and/or Dean of Students to discuss the behavior. More serious concerns, such as fighting, possession of a weapon, etc., may result in suspension. However, most offenses result in the student attending detention during his/her recess time, depending on the seriousness of the child’s infraction, as well as the number of tickets a student has received during that trimester. Detention will vary from
The overall goal of Hawthorne’s Redirection Room is to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their behavior and to create a safe environment for students that helps to prevent further infractions. We want to consistently address student misbehavior and inform parents and teachers of problems that a student is demonstrating at school. We also are committed to remaining proactive and supportive as we address student safety every day.
Behaving appropriately is an essential aspect of learning. Students are accountable for their behavior on school property, on the school bus, at the school bus stops, on the way to and from school, and when attending school-based or school–sponsored functions.
School-Wide Expectations and Indicators
Do What You Agree to Do
- Attend school regularly
- Agree to learn
- Agree to follow rules
- Agree to complete homework
- Agree to dress according to district and school rules
Give Your Best Effort
- Complete tasks given
- Follow directions given
- Bring supplies to school
- Demonstrate self-esteem/pride
- Do not put others down
Treat Others with Dignity and Respect at All Times
- Demonstrate respect
- Demonstrate caring
- Celebrate success
Speak with Integrity
- Be honest
- Communicate openly
- Make safety a priority
Have Fun!
- Have friends
- Be happy
- Get along with adults and peers
- Be safe
- Focus on learning
Family Concerns and Questions
Parents having concerns about their child’s progress in school should first contact the child’s teacher and make arrangements for a discussion. This usually alleviates the concern. Should the issue continue, do not hesitate to contact the Principal or Dean of Students, who will arrange for a family, teacher, school administration conference.
Family participation is encouraged in the selection of educational settings for your child. The staff and school administration make final determination for student placement.
Please note: No placements are considered final until after the 20th day of the school year. If you believe that a change in placement is needed, please contact the Principal or Dean of Students to set up a meeting to discuss your concerns.
Field Trips
Field trips are planned to enhance the curriculum. Transportation for field trips is by a contracted bus company. Children must bring a signed permission slip and any required fees to attend a field trip. Only children in the class may attend a field trip—no siblings or preschool children. Students are to remain with their class at all times while on the field trip. Administration reserves the right to hold students back from a field trip due to behavior.
Health Room Services and Medication
Hawthorne has a full-time health assistant and a part-time nurse to provide health services. In the event of an injury, first aid will be provided. If the injury is of a serious nature, the parent will be called and transportation arranged. Parents will be notified of any illness. If parents cannot be reached in the case of severe illness or injury, 911 will be called. It is imperative that parents notify the health office of any phone number updates in the event of an emergency.
Hawthorne’s school staff are prohibited from providing or administering any medication, including aspirin, to any student. Students who need occasional medications, such as antibiotics for colds, earaches, and sore throats, are to take these medications at home if possible. Medication that is prescribed three (3) times per day can be given before the student comes to school, after school, and again at bedtime. However, if medication MUST be given at school, it must be personally delivered by the parent and accompanied by a written authorization from a physician that includes the name of the medication and instructions on how it should be administered (time and dosage).
Homework is an extension of lessons presented in class and benefits the student by providing practice and reinforcement, and help develop a sense of responsibility. When your child is absent from school or out for an extended period of time and needs his/her homework assignment, please call the school office in the morning. Homework assignments may be picked up from the office at the end of the school day.
Homework is to be completed in a reasonable amount of time related to the child’s age, grade, and ability. Students in the primary grades (K–2) should have homework that takes no more than 20–30 minutes a night. In the intermediate grades (3–5), homework time should take no more than one hour per night.
Junk Food
Hawthorne Elementary School supports healthy eating. Research demonstrates that children who eat high- fat, high-sugar, or high-salt foods are less able to sustain attention and focus in the classroom. We are asking that parents do not send junk food snacks to school. This includes Cheetos, Takis, candy, potato chips and other types of high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt, unhealthy food. If staff finds students with junk food outside of the cafeteria we will confiscate it and send it home at the end of the day.
Lost and Found
Please mark your child’s possessions with his/her name. All articles lost on the playground or in the building should be placed in the “lost and found” box in the cafeteria. Articles of value should be given to the secretary. Approximately three times each year, unclaimed articles of clothing are donated to the APS Clothing Bank.
Parent Staff Association (PSA)
Hawthorne Elementary School’s Parent Staff Association is a vital part of the school community. We consider all Hawthorne parents and faculty as members of the PSA. Meetings are held monthly. The PSA sponsors field trips and special events. Parents are encouraged and sought out to participate in a variety of school functions that strengthen the school-community ties and stress cooperation and communication. Please contact your child’s teacher to be a volunteer. We welcome your participation with us at the school!
Redistribution Policy
If at, before, or after the 20th day we are required to open a classroom, close a classroom, or formulate a combination class, the students that are in the affected classroom or grade level will be equitably distributed among the other teachers at that grade level, placed in a new class, or in a combination class.
Volunteers (parents and children) will be given the opportunity to move to the new classroom. Using the placement method, the rest of the class will be formed. Heterogeneous groups will be created. This is always an extremely stressful and emotional time for all. It is the goal of the school that the Redistribution Policy will not have to be used.
Campus security is a top priority at Hawthorne. Ensuring that all adults on campus have legitimate business is critical. We welcome families of our students. All visitors must check in at the office and receive a visitor’s badge to wear for the duration of the visit. Identification will be checked, and legitimate business will be verified. Scheduling visits ahead of time ensures that the time is appropriate for everyone. Please be understanding of this when questioned and asked for identification.
The key to successful management of emergency situations is practice. Both evacuations and lockdowns are practiced regularly. Classrooms are equipped with emergency supplies in the event of a lockdown. If there is an emergency at Hawthorne, information can be obtained by calling the City at 311 or checking the APS website.
Student Awards and Recognition
At Hawthorne, it is our goal to consistently focus on the positive accomplishments of all of our students every day. The Hawthorne staff has decided to acknowledge all students who meet our school’s academic goals each trimester. Students who meet these goals in Reading, Writing, and Math will be acknowledged in some manner.
The Hawthorne staff also acknowledges positive student behavior by writing “Kudos” for students they see showing good character throughout the school. All students who receive “Kudos” receive an award and “Kudos” are posted in the main hallway for the school community to see.
The Hawthorne staff believes that this is a fair and equitable awards system, as every student is capable of achieving academic and social excellence with a concerted and consistent effort.
Student Dress
Students at Hawthorne Elementary School should dress in a manner that reflects standards of personal conduct so that each student’s attire promotes a positive, safe, and healthy atmosphere within the school. Students and their families may determine personal appearance and dress except where their dress or personal appearance presents a health/safety hazard or disruption/distractions in the educational process.
The following dress code will be enforced at Hawthorne Elementary:
- Shoes or durable footwear must be worn on campus at all times. Shoes with wheels in the soles are prohibited.
- Hats, headgear (including jacket hoods), and sunglasses may not be worn inside the school building.
- Students may not wear extended (hanging) belts, bandanas or wallet chains.
- No skin may show between the bottom of a shirt or blouse and the top of pants or skirts.
- Tank tops may be worn in warm weather. Tank top straps must be the width of three fingers or more.
- Spaghetti straps and/or strapless tops are not allowed.
- Baggy or low hanging pants are prohibited. Pants should rest no lower than hip level.
- Shorts and skirts should be longer than the student’s longest finger when standing upright and arms are
- relaxed at the sides.
- Clothing related to gang appearance may not be worn.
- Clothing with inappropriate language, pictures, and/or excessive tears may not be worn.
Students who wear inappropriate clothing to school will be sent to the office to call their parents for a change of clothes. If we are unable to get in touch with a parent, the child will be sent to the nurse’s office to change into something we have at school.
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
If you are dropping off or picking up your child(ren) on General Somervell or Domingo please DO NOT stop in the middle of the road/traffic to do so; this is an extreme safety hazard for our students. Instead, please park your vehicle and walk your child(ren) across the street or walk across the street to get your child(ren).
When your child is released from school, they are instructed to meet either the bus or their parent at a
designated location. Student’s dismissing from the Kindergarten building on the south side of the school campus have been at risk given the fact that some parents are electing to park in the pick up/drop off zone directly west of the new building. When using this zone, parents should drive slowly and stop ONLY to pick up or drop off his/her child. Parking in this area compromises child safety and causes a traffic jam.
Please do not park your vehicle in the Drop Off/Pick Up zone.
Student Performance and Evaluation
At Hawthorne, we are on a trimester reporting period. Parent/Teacher conferences will take place in November and March. A mid-term progress report will be given to parents every six weeks of school. Trimester reporting best aligns with required district and school deadlines—for example, the implementation of an Academic Improvement Plan.
Telephones and Cell Phones
Students will be permitted to use the telephone in the office in cases of emergency.
Students may not use cell phones at school. If your child has a cell phone and brings it school it is to remain OFF and in their backpack at school. If a child is found with a cell phone during the school day, it will be taken away from the child and given to the Principal or Dean of Students.
Consequences for students caught using a cell phone or any electronic device:
- 1st time- Teacher will take the device away until the end of the day
- 2nd time- Device will be taken to the office and a parent/guardian must pick it up
- 3rd time- Device will be given back after 10 school days
- 4th time- Device will be given back at the end of the semester
Hawthorne is not responsible for lost, stolen or broken items.
Toys of any kind may not be brought to school without the specific permission of the student's teacher.
Any equipment brought must be clearly marked with the student’s name. Toys such as metal or wood baseball bats, slingshots, sticks, radios, electronic games, watches with games, CD players, iPods, etc. are not permitted on school grounds.
If toys are brought to school without permission, they will be held in the principal's office and returned only to a parent/guardian. Toys may not be traded or sold. We cannot be responsible for any toys lost or stolen.
Hawthorne is grateful for the citizens of the community who donate their time in our school. To ensure the safety of our students, all potential volunteers must pass a background check before volunteering, as per APS policy.
Volunteer Information & Instructions
After clearing the background check, you will receive a volunteer card from the school. Volunteers will be required to present this card each time they volunteer for a school activity.
Hawthorne Elementary follows the APS Student Behavior Handbook regarding weapons at school.
Weapon Possession is considered:
“Possessing a weapon such as but not limited to: a firearm, any type of gun, knife, club, firecracker, explosive, spiked wristband, chains or other item that may cause or is intended to cause injury or death. This specifically includes “look-alike” guns and knives, such as toys.
Possession, as used herein, includes not only possession on one’s physical person, but also custody and control. Thus, a student may be found in possession of any item in the item is in the student’s backpack, locker, car or elsewhere, if subject to the student’s custody and control.”
Students can be suspended for weapon possession.
What You Can do to Help Prepare Your Child for School
The road to success in school begins at home. Good health, loving relationships, parental guidance and praise, and many opportunities to learn, all help children do well later in life. As a parent, you are the most important person in your child's life. Throughout the early learning years, you can do many simple things to help your children grow, develop, and have fun learning.Here are some things you can do:
- Encourage your child to want to learn and go to school everyday.
- Read aloud to your child daily. This gives your child a chance to learn about language, enjoy the sound of your voice, and be close to you.
- Set high standards for your children and encourage them to try new things.
- Listen to your child. This is the best way to learn what's on his mind, what she knows and doesn't know, and how he thinks and learns.
- Provide nutritious foods, safe places to play, regular medical care, and a regular sleep schedule for your child.
- Teach your child to get along with others, to share, and to take turns.
- Set a good example for your children. They will imitate what you do.
- Teach your child to feel good about him/herself and that he/she can succeed.
- Set limits for your child. This is a sign of love, which your child appreciates, even if he or she may argue against them.
- Be generous with your praise. Always compliment your children for their efforts.